Sunday, November 16, 2008

Redistribution of Wealth? NOT!

I know the campaign is over with a new president being installed shortly.

All those plans and agendas that were promised, are shortly to be fulfilled, right? I want to see a show of hands who believe this.

Well, first of all...that agenda (some fifty plus (50) pages if downloaded), as defined on his website, have been scrubbed...NON-EXISTA!

Why was it scrubbed? When asked, a member of his transition team stated they were "retooling" the site.

I bet!

Seems to me that when one makes a promise, especially in an election, they should keep it. But mark my words, read my lips, there won't be a REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH!

I can hear them saying now, "Oh, Oli, you're so full of it." Actually, my eyes are green which still mean I'm a quart low.

So why am I shouting this now?

Who put this man in office? If you believe in the tooth fairy, santa claus, and the easter bunny, then you think all the little people donated under $200 to his campaign coffers. The man raised more than six hundred million dollars which didn't come from the little folks. Too many rich folks did.

Don't believe a word about this promise. The WEALTHY didn't get rich by giving it away. Most of them are misers...I know a few! There are some exceptions, but even the Bible says it will be easier for a camel to get through the eye of the needle than a rich man.

Have you EVER seen a poor man in power? Don't think there is one, however, Obama did come from "simple" means, but who is he surrounded by? Who provided for him on his climb up? Wasn't student loans (Michelle had some, but not bo), but men of power and influence.

You think these powers that be want to SHARE their wealth, by being taxed to death? NOT! You think they are going to be made to pay higher taxes and we, the little folk, reap the benefits? Won't happen...greed had taken over the white house since the beginning of the 60's, after JFK's death. All the president's in recent history, have walked out with extreme bonuses, though, little is known about that or is rarely mentioned.

The Clinton's never owned a home until they left the white house. Now they own two, one outside New York City, for Bill, and the other in Washington for Hill. And these aren't cheap hovels, so again, where did the monies come from? Who invested in them to get what they wanted?

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