The rude behavior of the masses spoiled a moment in history, all should remember with pride.
The masses should have taken the cue from President Obama and his transition team who praised President Bush for how smooth their transition was, due to the professionalism of Team Bush; so unlike the last transition and the missing "W"'s on the computer keyboards.
Only Presidents know the difficulties of the highest office in the land. In times past, I don't recall the President's viewing box being empty before the last band passed by. But there stood President Obama and his wife till the very end, showing appreciation to all who came to honor him.
When I began reading reports, and hearing the same, of the disrespect shown President Bush upon being announced for the last time, really spurred my frustration. I am certain their has been disrespect shown in other Inaugurations, but I don't recall them. How can we expect the nation to change until we change.
President Obama has more to conquer than that of a bad economy, two wars and the threats to our country. He has to lead by example and all those folks that will be trained into serving the United States of America, need to learn how to be respectful.
This needs to come from the top down, Nancy Pelosi. Your determination to seek criminal indictments against the former administration shows your lack of class. You, in your great wisdom, should realize that you too, have committed acts that appear criminal. Folks who live in glass houses should not be tossing bricks.
For President Obama's administration to achieve his goals, we urgently need lessons on how to show common respect. We can always agree to disagree, but with decorum, not ill-mannered and rude behavior.
Mr. President, it was rude for your guests to abandon you and Mrs. Obama at your viewing stand, as it was equally improper for your VIP guests to not show the same dignified respect to the past Presidents and then no respect to President Bush.
I am certain Mr. Bush knows, just as you will in the coming days, when you are forced to make tough decisions that will affect every Americans life. Just as I am certain there may not ever be another day in history as was yesterday, the arrogance and clueless nature of the masses reflect how little dignity, loyalty, character and honor we have in our country.
If we could only have had more "character-building" education and less emphasis on the "me,me, me" generation, we might not be in this shape today. Somewhere, somehow, families forgot to pass these ideals along.
May your service to our country be everything you hope it to be and may you demonstrate to our classless and clueless society what true character is.