Saturday, October 18, 2008

Where's the tape? and UPDATES

I know the image is disarming and it should be. But this is some of o's commie youth gangs idea of how they feel about McCain, conservatives and the great American Way of life. Let me tell you, there are more horrible, filthy pictures out there...all from his "brown shirts" who worship o.

Well, 17 days out from the election and no tape has been produced by the API for Michelle Obama's admission of o's adoption by Indonesian Muslim, Lolo Soetoro.

Other bloggers have been doing their best to get the information out, just no luck...well that is except Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs blog. She's reported that a "friend" of o's has scrubbed the records in Indonesia with lots of money in tow.

Not to dispair, there are pictures of o's school registration document which shows his name as Barry Soetoro and religion, muslim.

If you haven't been keeping up with the latest, o has assembled his transition team and picked a venue for election night. Grant Park and Hutchinson Field in Chicago will be hosting his election night victory....not (puleez not!)

We are also still waiting to hear from the Judge in the matter of Berg's case in the Federal District Court of Pennsylvania. From research, no news is good news. Plus, nothing has been heard from the State of Washington on the similar case filed out there.

I signed a petition, listed on America's Right blog, to our two Mississippi Senators Cochran and Wicker. The petition requests the judge to bring forth his rulings prior to the election. We still have until January 20th, before o is sworn in and before a Constitutional crisis would occur.

I need not tell you that many are distressed at what is occurring within our hallowed ground. Now, more than any time in history, have we felt the pains of birth...the birth and take over of our freedoms by socialist/communist terrorists.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shocking News - Michelle Obama Rants, what's so bad about husband being adopted by Soetoro

What's so bad about Obiden holding dual citizenship in United States and Indonesia?

Well, to qualify for POTUS, you must be a US citizen...not holding two, count 'em, two!

As stated before, America's Right,, API (African Press International), among many other sites are reporting the same.

API, the daily online news channel, posted the following interview on their site today,

Accusing API of colluding with American internet bloggers in an effort to bring down her husband, Mrs Obama said she decided to call API because of what she termed, API’s help to spread rumours created by American bloggers and other racist media outlets in their efforts to damage a black man’s name, saying she hopes African Media was mature enough to be in the front to give unwavering support to her husband, a man Africans should identify themselves with.

When API told her that our online news media was only relaying what the American Bloggers and other media outlets had discovered through their investigations, Mrs Obama was angered and she came out loud with the following: “African press International is supposed to support Africans and African-American view,” and she went to state that, “it is strange that API has chosen to support the racists against my husband. There is no shame in being adopted by a step father. All dirt has been thrown onto my husband’s face and yet he loves this country. My husband and I know that there is no law that will stop him from becoming the president, just because some American white racists are bringing up the issue of my husband’s adoption by His step father. The important thing here is where my husband’s heart is at the moment. I can tell the American people that My husband loves this country and his adoption never changed his love for this country. He was born in Hawaii, yes, and that gives him all the right to be an American citizen even though he was adopted by a foreigner; says Michelle Obama on telefon to API.”

This is a very interesting turn of events. The American man Dr Corsi was recently reported to have been arrested in Kenya because there was fear that he might reveal information on Obama when he wanted to hold a press conference in Nairobi.

The question now is why he was arrested and who ordered his arrest. Was Obama’s hand in this in any way? We will never know the truth but what is clear is that Dr Corsi was seen as a threat while in Kenya.

When API asked Mrs Obama to comment on why Dr Corsi was arrested by the Kenyan government and whether she thought Kenya’s Prime Minister Mr Raila Odinga was involved in Dr Corsi’s arrest, she got irritated and and simply told API not to dig that which will support evil people who are out to stop her husband from getting the presidency.

When asked who she was referring to as the evil people, she stated that she was not going to elaborate much on that but that many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy.

On Farakhan and his ministry, Mrs Obama told API that it was unfortunate that Mr Farakhan came out the way he did supporting her husband openly before the elections was over. That was not wholehearted support but one that was calculated to convince the American people that my husband will support the growth of muslim faith if he became the president, adding “even if my husband was able to prove that he is not a Muslim, he will not be believed by those who have come out strongly to destroy his chances of being the next President. Do real people expect someone to deny a religion when 80 percent of his relatives are Muslims?; Mrs Obama asked.

Mrs Obama asked API to write a good story about her husband and that will earn API an invitation to the innoguration ceremony when, as she put it , her husband will be installed as the next President of the United States of America next year.

We are now attempting to verify the actual taping of such statements made by MO and will be updating as soon as it becomes available.

API has listed its phone number on their site

Monday, October 13, 2008

MIA - Missing in Action

I must first apologize for not posting sooner. But first a hat tip to Shy Guy from Pamela Geller's blog, Atlas Shrugs, for the exaggerated Dollar Bill.

However, this past week has been the most crucial in my lifetime. No, I didn't lose in the stock market, but because I am a news junkie, staying focused on my alternate form of communication, the located in the backwoods, where the sun don't shine, and no cable exists, the Internet is my only access to real news. Cable news is junk, pushing what THEY want you to hear...well, WTF? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that what we've seen is a economic disaster for so many un-deserving folk.

Well, no my hands weren't paralyzed, but my brain has I don't know where to start. I can't begin to tell you what is out on the NET. A lot of junk to be sure...and then again, a mass of food to digest.

I must tell you that the blogs I have listed to the right, are my most faithful "go to" places for REAL TRUTH.

First of all, let me give Kudo's to both Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Jay Schneider of America's Right, and let us not forget Philip J. Berg, Esquire, of Obama Crimes.

Thank God they are all out there fighting for all of get the truth out.

Pamela Geller was out on the streets of New York City filming the Islam day parade and goings on there. Please go to her website for that footage. However, this is what she posted on the 13th

I recently had a phone conversation with my cousin, a newly retired attorney who spent most of his working life as a banking regulator and was at the top of the heap when he left. For decades, all he did was interact with banks, savings & loans, mortgage lenders - and ACORN. He is a fine, scrupulous man who never discussed issues he dealt with at work, but now retired he felt at liberty to talk.

My dear cousin told me in unambiguous terms that the entire subprime mortgage phenomenon, which precipitated the worldwide financial crisis, was basically an affirmative action program pursued by liberal politicians and "community organizers" who imposed their "affordable housing" agenda on our financial system via legislation, leaning on banking executives, and using Fannie and Freddie as facilitators, regulatory muscle and as a Potemkin proxy for US government backing. He wasn't just making an assertion, either. Cousin Richard peppered our conversation with inside anecdotes to illustrate the point, including one instance of a major financial center bank writing ACORN a million dollar check just to get them off its back.

Have you read anything about this in "the media" other than inklings in the WSJ and on Fox? Have the normally inquisitive, risk-averse business writers at the NYT done any features - even to throw us off the scent (as they did with Ayers)? And hey, how about that business channel, CNBC? The answer is no, because so much of the real story leads to Obama, his Chicago years, his associates, supporters and his party. No time for that now. Not in the middle of a presidential campaign.

What we have here is a conspiracy of silence being imposed by "the media," an embargo on the truth to keep it from sullying their Anointed One. Only way I can think of for the average citizen to run the blockade is through the Internet where, if you look, there is plenty of alternate information, such as this this startling video - which Time Warner (CNN) attempted to suppress. Take a look at this and this too. Then push the word digitally to an ever widening circle of friends, acquaintances and family. If you have other ideas and better resources, employ them. But let's face it, today, without an honest, independent press, we are underground pamphleteers..

And so here's another reason - and one of the best - to keep Obama and his clique as far away from the Oval Office as possible. In the space of a few short months, and with one wave of his magic wand, Obama has effectively corrupted the nation's entire media establishment. If he should take over the White House, the whitewash of President Obama will likely continue and cause even more damage to our democracy. Since the nations' mass media has become the propaganda arm of the Obama campaign, there's every reason to believe, with so much invested, it will continue to aid and abet the Obama White House too. "Agents of change," indeed. Dan Friedman NYC

If you have read anything about ACORN, you will note that they are behind and responsible for fraudulently signing up nearly 70,000 felons in Florida to vote, raided their Las Vegas offices and signing up dead folks in Pennsylvania.

What is more absurd? Yours and my tax dollars fund this group of insurgents! You want change in our country? Oh, you'll get change...with Obiden. I am certain, without a doubt, should this schister steal the office of POTUS, we will be shoved into socialism, fascism, and the ultimate, communism.

And if you are so nieve to think so...our government has taken stance to totally nationalize our banking system. Are we so gullible to take this lying down?

Just this evening, Katy Curic showed a piece from the internet, showing Jimmy Kimmel's girlfried, whore, Sarah Silversteen, telling the voting college age students to go and visit their grandparents in Florida, whom they haven't seen in years, to vote for Obiden? It is called something like "get out the schlep vote".

Yes, the country we hold so near and dear to our hearts is falling down around us.

The question is, Will there be blood in the streets? I can only hope and pray not.

This community organizer, BO, was called by Louis Farakhan, the head of the Nation Islam of the US, our savior.

Not my Savior, not by a long shot! Wake up!