As our economy drifts further and further in an obsessive desire to bankrupt our society because of GREED of the big men on Wall Street, Main Street and our willingness to elect those big pork spenders in guvment, who have a license to steal and take control of every means of our freedoms, I become more cynical.
Gone are the days when one could wait til the last minute to pay bills, allowing us to say when our monies transferred. However, nowadays, the moment an item is purchased, it instantly leaves our account. Ah, gone are the days of playing the float.
And thus my delay in getting a post out. You see, the last two weeks, I have been in utter chaos, being cut off from the outside world when Bell South cut off, abolishing my service, for non-payment.
I was literally online signing into the bill paying site, awaiting my husband's awakening so I could ask him a question before paying (yes, there are women who believe men should be the head of the household), when they cut me off. I couldn't believe that I had gotten so close to the cut off time...and thus, to cut it back on, they wanted an exorbitant fee, which was not in the budget. I must admit, phone service, in this day and time, is not in the budget. With all the cutbacks and all, we don't waste money on cell phones, nor satellite dishes, or cable. Cell phones roam; satellite dishes are stolen, and cable has no intention nor being close to offered in the outbacks anyway. I suppose being at the end of the line takes on a whole new meaning.
I say all this to let you know where I've been and why I've been out of touch. No, I wasn't in a commune, being exorcised over the election results, I was just out of touch and OUT OF MY MIND! Cut off from talking with family, friends, doing research for my writing and the like.
If anyone has alternative way of communications, please advise. For dial-up internet, I am charged $12.50; for local service, which I don't use (I don't know anyone around here), is nearly $60 and unlimited long-distance (which I use all the time) is another $30. Staying in touch with the world, has taken on a whole new meaning...