Yep, we need to build buildings to get our kids into the 21st century learnin. Seen in a Burger King window in Memphis, please read carefully. Hat tip to David for sending me this jewel!
Buildings always helped me learn...not the instructors, the lesson plans, the curriculum. Kinda makes one think twice, about this upcoming trillion dollar package.
With all the problems this country faces, I don't see throwing money at "sub-prime" contractors to build these magnificent structures...remember the $400 toilet seat?
Yeah, I trust those construction companies...sounds like another Chicagoland deal. Except this time we, the US gets taken to the cleaners, not just Illinois.
This takes us back to Gov. Hot Rod and crew. You know something smells about this whole deal. Corruption following corruption, four governors have gone to prison because of the corruption. So what makes this so different? Just the fact that President-elect Obama's Chief of Staff, Emanuel and Axelrod, are somehow involved...well, why are they keeping quiet now? why won't they answer questions from the Press.
Can we say oops?
Well, first of all, who runs for the Office of President of the US, that only pays $400K a year? Sure you live in the big house, have Secret Service watching your butt 24/7 and many other perks, but at what cost? Over 1/2 billion dollars? Can you say overkill? Was it all spent? Are there any monies left? I mean, I know advertising and the like cost a lot, but this is overkill, right? The big staged productions, for what?
Now if he was really wanting to be like his idol, JFK, he would donate ALL his salary to charities. Bet you didn't know that about JFK. I think about him (JFK) much differently once I found out this information.
So pony up Mr. President-elect, give unto others as you would have them give unto you...what do you think?
If he were really serious about helping his beloved country, why not spread the funds into the problems at hand...oh yeah, he's going to spend our money.