I know the image is disarming and it should be. But this is some of o's commie youth gangs idea of how they feel about McCain, conservatives and the great American Way of life. Let me tell you, there are more horrible, filthy pictures out there...all from his "brown shirts" who worship o.
Well, 17 days out from the election and no tape has been produced by the API for Michelle Obama's admission of o's adoption by Indonesian Muslim, Lolo Soetoro.
Other bloggers have been doing their best to get the information out, just no luck...well that is except Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs blog. She's reported that a "friend" of o's has scrubbed the records in Indonesia with lots of money in tow.
Not to dispair, there are pictures of o's school registration document which shows his name as Barry Soetoro and religion, muslim.
If you haven't been keeping up with the latest, o has assembled his transition team and picked a venue for election night. Grant Park and Hutchinson Field in Chicago will be hosting his election night victory....not (puleez not!)
We are also still waiting to hear from the Judge in the matter of Berg's case in the Federal District Court of Pennsylvania. From research, no news is good news. Plus, nothing has been heard from the State of Washington on the similar case filed out there.
I signed a petition, listed on America's Right blog, to our two Mississippi Senators Cochran and Wicker. The petition requests the judge to bring forth his rulings prior to the election. We still have until January 20th, before o is sworn in and before a Constitutional crisis would occur.
I need not tell you that many are distressed at what is occurring within our hallowed ground. Now, more than any time in history, have we felt the pains of birth...the birth and take over of our freedoms by socialist/communist terrorists.
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