Heard Obiden in a recent fundraizer (that is spelled incorrectly, on purpose) with the Bon Jovi's, told the audience that he won't be smeared, bullied or lied about.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What is he afraid that the truth will come out?
Do you realize that he didn't sign the campaign fundraizing agreement, to limit monies raized to $84 million....AS DID MC CAIN?
Did you know that there were 12,000 U.S. Flags that were thrown into the trash after their convention, while the Republicans recycled theirs? Obami didn't know nothing bout that...must have been the vendors. But the McCain folks used them at their town meeting today and told the crowd that if they didn't want them, then they would re-cycle them. I guess Obami has nuff money he can buy more...who is the more wasteful party now?
As a student of history, the NASDP, the National Socialist Democratic Party (thus forward called the Lemoncrats), was the party of change. The Lemoncrats brought Hitler to power...is Obamimami a Messiah, or a Hitler?
They both have similar backgrounds...broken family, both wanting power...both wanting to annihilate the Jewish nation...both believing in using deception to achieve greatness.
Who do you want to vote for?
If you would look at the McMaverick one good time, you would see the honorable background he comes from and the fact that in a national religious forum, he said his greatest mistake was that of him failing his first marriage. I don't think the great O made any such statement.
The great O, although he has not said it publicly, those that want him in the greatest house in the land, want a race war, should he lose.
If you find any of these arguments worthwhile, you are more than welcome to pass them on.
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