Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Living Large Langston and the "Race War"

You know folks, I figured that we might see one,that is, a race war, but not because of a Presidential election. As I am into current events, and my time is spent on watching the news.

Today's Philadelphia Daily News, a column written by Fatimah Ali (go figure) writes "We need Obama, not 4 more years of George Bush."

Ok, McCain isn't George Bush, duh?

The following is one of her frequent contributions...

AMERICA is on the brink of a long, harsh and bitterly cold winter, with a looming recession that the GOP won't even admit to.

Why is she saying there will be a long harsh winter if McCain is elected?

The policies of the current White House have brutalized our economy, yet the wealthiest think that everything is fine.

Amazing, that in the above paragraph and the one below, she is emphasizing the rich Republicans. Where is her criticism of the rich Democrats, ie, Oprah, Barbra, the Kennedy's, former VP Al Gore, former Prez Clinton; however, those last two are the new rich because of their stint in office. And then there is the tie of Biden to Scruggs via playing golf with Joey Langston.

Ah, now this is a good time to insert the information about his winter home in Colorado...Not saying Joey is/was Democrat, as he won't be voting again unless pardoned, but he sure was courting Biden on the local golf course, or should I say Biden was courting Joey for some money.

And from the photo above, Living Large Langston was doing just that before getting caught within Scrugg's Nation. (see Scrugg's Biden connection in prior post)

Here's the link to the Dem (dumb) Langston Winter Palace...


Rich Republicans just don't understand that millions are suffering. But many of their working class do, and they're beginning to abandon their own party.

When lifelong Republican Barney Smith told the Democratic convention that he'd vote for Barack Obama for president, he gave pause to even the most conservative members of his party.

Smith, like many disgruntled working-class Republicans, is ready to turn his back on his party because he's having such a hard time providing for his family. Like others, Smith fell victim to the loss of 3.2 million American jobs as factories closed or their work was outsourced to cheap labor markets overseas.

Can you spell NAFTA? From Public Citizen the report is as follows...
In November 1993, Congress passed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), despite widespread popular opposition. Several weeks before the 1993 voted, opponents of NAFTA had gathered a slim majority of the votes. Yet NAFTA ultimately passed. At the time numerous press reports documented deals--many unrelated to NAFTA--that the Clinton Administration had made with individual Members of Congress and groups of Members to obtain their votes to pass NAFTA.

The legacy of broken promises on NAFTA performance: NAFTA threatened the safety of the nation's food supply, undermined the nation's environmental regulations, and subverted American democracy while it cost the U.S. good jobs.

Public Citizen has monitored the promises of President Clinton made to congressional Representatives to push NAFTA passage to determine whether those promises were kept and whether the concerns underlying the deals were in fact addressed.

Many of the commitments that the Clinton Administration made in 1993 in order to get NAFTA passed were never fulfilled. Many of the actions that the Clinton Administration did take proved worthless for the parties they were supposed to help.

Here we go, Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, can you spell NAFTA? It was this bill that lost all the jobs and did you misstate the next paragraph? I don't think so...as I think you gave me much pause to add REAL information to this blog.

Poet Langston Hughes once wrote, "Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird that can not fly, Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow."

Now folks, the "frozen snow" reference could not bespeak the ski run in Telluride just outside Joey's Winter Palace? Remember he is one of those poor democrats who courts poor democratic VEEPS on the golf course.

Poor Joey can't go to his Winter Palace this year or the next, as he's had to sell his jet and Winter palace, all because he has been indicted; and when the Feds get through with him, the Feds will determine how long he may have to serve, if any. That knowledge is still unknown, but gosh wasn't he living large?

Many wealthy folks live in a dream state and ignore people like Smith, whose tale of personal woe preceded Obama's acceptance speech.

He opposes John McCain because, he says, America can't afford another four years of failed GOP policies that have extended $200 billion in tax cuts to big corporations but not to the nation's 100 million families.

You scare me, because where will all your social programs get their money from, unless we have real reform in Wishingtonia?

Our national debt has soared from $5.6 trillion to $9.6 trillion under Bush. The Republicans have overstayed their welcome and dragged us into a nightmare that must end soon, or this nation may be headed for chaos.

I think that if anyone overstayed their welcome, it was the Clinton's? I think that is obvious, as Hillary didn't win her party's nomination.

And chaos? Are you going to start it with this piece in a national paper?

Obama tugged on the nation's heartstrings when he challenged McCain's tough talk and told the truth about the current policies.

Ya think that Obama has done anything tough, like voted anything but "Present" one-hundred and thirty times, versus Yes or No? And what truth did he speak? I listened, wanting to hear a speech with substance, but instead heard the same ole junk. And to prove he didn't have substance, his greatest supporter, Oprah, cried her fake eyelashes off...Wow, what substance?

Critics of the GOP believe that a four-year extension of the Bush administration will be disastrous. People are struggling, and the privileged are so out of touch they pretend it's OK that children go hungry.

With all the programs for the poor in our country, I don't understand why children are going hungry. And I somehow don't think this particular ticket is going to be the same, but far from it. Perhaps the McCain-Palin ticket will demonstrate what Reform in Wishitonia will mean. Yes, Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, people are struggling, from all over the United States, but what you propose is that it is the Republicans fault. No mam, it's the folks in Wishitonia who love pork barrel spending and earmark OUR money for their own greed. It is the people in Wishitonia who don't understand, and that comes from both sides of the aisle...but let us look at some more of your wealthy Democrats...like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and let us not forget John "steamboat-swiftboat" Kerry. Are they not privileged?

Over the last eight years, we've lost 3.2 million jobs, and started a war that's cost trillions.

Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, I believe it's your religious beliefs that began this war, or those of your ancestors, and now most possibly your descendants.

The lies and deceit that got us into Iraq in the first place are just the tip of the iceberg and have ruined America's reputation across the globe.

<Let's see, I think I had rather see us fight the fight over there...bringing democracy home to a terrorist state. Have you forgotten how vile this leadership was? Did he not commit crimes against his own people? Now poisoning folks was just an everyday matter of control for Saddam? Geez, what would you say if that happened here?

Our global reputation? Take a look at your liberal policies? It's as though you want to enhance your cause, through threats and bullying. Making false accusations, choosing to hide your head where the sun doesn't shine, all with failed policies YOUR Clinton presidency entailed, no pun intended.

Meanwhile, our economy continues to crumble, while crime, homelessness and poverty continue to soar.

And what are you doing to correct the problem in your message, but preaching evil? Perhaps the evil originates within you Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, through the hate filled speech you demonstrate here.

Despite the fact that thousands of immigrants risk their safety to come here because this country may offer them better opportunities, the truth is that poverty lives right here in our own backyard.

And poverty began when? When your Democrat, Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights bill, making certain that a free ride would come on the backs of working Americans? It gave folks who needed to reach up, the ability to lay down and not rise to the level that many have risen to today!

Are you one of those that are given the right to free speech in order to attack the country and the principles on which it was founded?

Suffering is widespread as the gap between rich and poor widens. The Bush administration doesn't get it and neither does McCain.

Does Obiden get it? his speech of HOPE doesn't get it either. You see, hope is not concrete and it doesn't provide an answer. All his rich cronies that support him have invested in the hope that he can aid them, not the poor? I don't think he gets it, or maybe he will should he do his biding for them. Where have all his massive campaigning funds come from? From the poor? I don't think so. And he will have to pay them back, not the millions of poor. Have you not heard money talks, bs walks?

He is so out of touch that he hasn't a clue how many homes he owns, while the working class struggles to hold on to one.

Give me a break Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali,! Did not one of your esteemed Democratic Senators get a special home loan deal with one of these failed entities, and is being investigated now? So who has profited and who is responsible for those losing their homes?

Obama has close ties with the known terrorist, William Ayers, who took great pride in bombing the Capitol Building and the Pentagon. The same William Ayers, who deemed Obama his Chairman for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, as community organizer. And who does he live next to? His buddy Rezko, who sold Obama a multi-million dollar home and lot in a wealthy neighborhood. I believe Obama's ties to Rezko go deeper. Not only is Rezzy baby indicted, but will be serving time while his bud attempts to get into the Big House in Wishingtonia.

The Democrats desperately need many more voters like Smith to cross party lines in order to secure the White House. Obama says electing him to the nation's highest office will not only help restore America's moral standing globally, but will lift the nation's low morale and improve our declining economy.

How the hell, does he plan to do that, Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali? All I have heard is Democratic rhetoric...in other words...SOS! And where did Mr. Smith come from? How was he selectively picked from the Republican base, but more importantly, what was he promised? Was he a registered Republican, and when did he register? Was he a voting Democrat during the Clinton Administration? Did he realize that NAFTA began during the Clinton Administration and that it was NAFTA and CATFA that began the evacuation of jobs from America?

He promises to cut taxes for 95 percent of American workers and ease the burden for millions of families.

How? Worth repeating...Where does his campaign funding come from? You think the wealthy are willing to give of their money to help the poor...to get Obiden elected...for them to support taxation of themselves. Who is out of touch here?

And I believe him, although his critics say he's out of touch with the working class and blast him for not having a lineage that includes slavery.

You may believe him, but I don't, nor does any other rational human being. And he does have a lineage that includes slavery...his Kenyan blood shows that his family participated in selling his own kind into slavery!

But just because his ancestors never wore shackles,

No, because his people helped put them on those being sold.

and he has paid off the student loans from his elite education

By the same person who paid for his education, a white Democratic elitist.

doesn't mean he doesn't have compassion. Or that he doesn't understand the pain of those who live in dire poverty, who've lost their homes, who want yet can't afford college, and who lack health insurance.

Yada Yada Yada

His acceptance speech indicated that, unlike McCain, Obama gets it because hard times aren't so far behind him that his memory's been erased.

He gets it because the "powers that be" are pulling the strings of the puppet, as he, Obiden is one. I just want to bring the puppet master's to the front and expose their evil and corruption...and it will come out.

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!

Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, you are pure evil, bringing forth what I consider is sedition. Are you saying you want to see a revolution in our land?

Guess what? Are you familiar with the Bilderberger's. They too, want to "reduce" the world's population by anyway possible including infanticide...and you promote their agenda?

Unfortunately for you, who want to live in this country, the freedoms you so enjoy, are erroneously being challenged by today's elitist socialists who come from both sides of the aisle....what the McCain-Palin ticket will bring to those corrupt individuals who inhabit Wishingtonia.

Plenty of Americans would rather stay in their dream state

including you Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali

than to recognize the poverty sweeping across the country, right here, right now.

NAFTA! Clinton Administration!

Obama understands that people are suffering. Every week, prices go up at the supermarket, and people are unable to feed their families. It already is dark and stormy for millions, who can't even afford pencils, book bags and lunch money for their children.

So you want to start a revolution should Obiden not win because of the millions who can't afford pencils, book bags...and excuse me, although I have no children, I think much of the food is supplied by government programs, to the children in public schools, which includes a breakfast...am I right folks, or what?

But when (don't you mean if?) Obama wins the White House, we may just see a revolution that can turn the tide and improve this nation for everyone, not just a select few.

The select few are those RICH FAT CATS in Wishingtonia...those that have enriched themselves with money from special interest groups.

And I expect him to keep his word.*

Well, Miss/Mrs/Ms Ali, when he doesn't, because he can't, what will you say then? I believe you expect too much from so little a candidate for President!

But God
and that's little g in my book as I don't know where Obami's allegiance is, especially since his church honored Farrakhan as the Man of Achievement last year)
help him.

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