Are you as dissatisfied as I am...with all that goes on in today's world?
I turn on the radio talk show and folks are complaining about the cost of gas, food, everything that is based on transportation of goods to us?
Well, what the hell are you going to do? Who controls us? Is it the gas and oil barons, Wall Street, speculators, just who? Are we the masters of deceit and greed?
Do we desire sooooo much, that it would be a hindrance to our freedom to consume less or to fire everyone in Washington and start fresh. Ooh? What did I say? Could there be a revolution on our future time line? Or are there too many sheep being led by our SHEEPLE to the slaughter?
I say there are too many sheep. We've been led down this merry path to bondage and now our very existence is determined by rag heads, Wishingtonians who sell our souls to the highest bidder.
God help us...we are a people (sheeple) in dire straits and looking for a real leader is just a few months away.
What choices do we have? Personally, I don't see any. I don't see a REAL LEADER on the horizon.
Oh, I see MISERY for CHANGE. But who are we kidding? The change that is needed is our resistance to really seeing what is real and what is true.
Is there no backbone in our world? One who would take the challenge to set things right. But he is coming and not the one expected. For those who have ears to hear...
Oh, if only the many could see what is really happening.
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