Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Last Weekend Before Our Future

No, I don't surf, but I do scuba dive.

The past two years, as you well know, there has been a lot of murky water we've had to swim through, in order to make this a better country. Have we?

To make this a better nation, I question the ramifications of this economic collapse. Daily, we hear of cut-backs, layoffs, foreclosures, bank/financial failures, and then the taxes to be levied, just to pay for the first phase of TARP.

In October 1987, the stock market fell 500 points. Several friends and I met at the neighborhood bar after work. Several people were crowded around the tv watching as news blared about the crash.

Stunned by the events transpiring before me, one friend paid little attention, being more concerned about the skirt she was wearing, as it was old. I listened to her moan about her two month old skirt, I was astonished that she wasn't paying attention about the crash.

I wonder if she is now listening to what is happening within our country? For that matter, I wonder how many folks are listening to what is happening now? Some I know are, as their retirement savings have gone down the tubes. No doubt they are listening.

One could only hope that the coming transition be just that, smooth sailing. However, when our VP-Elect made his statement referencing a catastrophe heading our way, within six-month's of taking office, I knew that he knew something we don't know.

Transition smooth, but be looking for the V.P. Elect's catastrophe.

and to make my point...
WASHINGTON – Officials of the outgoing and incoming Bush and Obama administrations are teaming up for a rehearsal of how to handle a theoretical national emergency.

Bush White House chief of staff Josh Bolten announced that the exercise, involving representatives of both administrations, will take place on Tuesday afternoon at the executive mansion.

Bolten said that such a joint rehearsal for a possible terrorism-era emergency is a matter of necessity, not just courtesy.

He said a few key members of the Obama administration and the current administration will get West Wing briefings on "incident management procedures" and "continuity of government procedures."

Bolton said officials will "work on a specific scenario ... and talk about who does what" in the event of a homeland security incident.

In case you didn't know, realism is a bitch.

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