Thursday, January 29, 2009

Change in style

Today begins a new line of posting. As there are so many topics that need attention, mine and yours, I have been working on a new style, including more links to full stories and attention to more cynicism still in tact, but also glimmers of hope.

close to home
Once again, elected officials, namely a mayor on our Gulf Coast and his wife, took advantage of FEMA, HUD and other agencies, who are providing homeowners help in rebuilding after Katrina.

Yesterday, the US Attorney’s office in the Southern District of Mississippi handed down a 16 count indictment accusing Republican Gulfport Mayor Brent Warr and his wife Laura Warr of illegally obtaining grant monies for personal use. If convicted on all counts, they each face a total of 210 years in federal prison and up to $4 million in fines. This has been a cooperative investigation between the FBI, HUD, Homeland Security, Office of the Inspector General, the US Attorneys Office and State Auditor Stacey Pickering’s office.

Yall Politics
offers more links to indictment of alleged crooked dealings of rising star of Republican Party in Mississippi.

We need SUM $$$
I can only imagine what all this spending will do to our economic future. To date, 4.7 million Americans are now unemployed. These figures do not include those already receiving extended benefits.

California is bankrupt for all intents and purposes. It looks as though some of the money, $25,000,000 allotted in this recovery package, written by Pelosi and friends, will go to build ATV trails. Gosh, that will provide ATV vehicle owners fun time while looking for employment. Wonder where the fuel, to have fun, will come from?

Somehow I think all this spending will make problems for our new President. However, once elected, he had promises to keep. Unfortunately, our system has provided a way to get access to the highest office in the land when one wants it bad enough to go to the highest bidder. The brazen statement, "Get over it, I won," doesn't play well with conservatives.

Alinsky - model of a new Amerika
Remember the Saul Alinsky model for CHANGE...oops...Rules for Radicals
Rule 13. Pick the target (Rush Limbaugh), freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.' ... When you 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments and carry out your attack.... One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angles are on one side and all the devils on the other."

Hmmmm...Jest thinking
H.R. 645:
111st Congress

To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers on military installations.


This Act may be cited as the `National Emergency Centers Establishment Act'.


(a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.

(b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure--

(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;

(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;

(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and

(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

In the viral community of the net, there have been many conspiracy theorists who have alluded to FEMA Internment Camps, made to hold "dangerous" or "large groups of people" who need to be removed in case of "civil unrest".

In November, a study done by a "think tank" in Washington, namely, The War College, offered a "what if" scenario of national civil unrest or national emergency.

So what does this bill actually mean? As we now have a bill before Congress in its initial phase to establish these camps, consider Biden's and others proclamation of how this administration would be TESTED in the first six months.

history lessons
Bush 2 - 911, USS Cole
Clinton - Waco, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, World Trade Center

No really memorable state-side terror, other than those of radical extremist groups and lone wolves, has gone un-noticed by terrorist watchmen of the "state".

What evidence do we have that the "camps" will be needed sooner rather than later.

However, the gloom surrounding this year’s World Economic Forum descended into confrontation yesterday as international labor leaders launched a withering attack on the 1,400 business executives and 41 heads of government at Davos Switzerland over what the labor leaders alleged was their failure to respond effectively to a deepening crisis of their own creation.

Guy Ryder, the general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, said that the current financial world turmoil had triggered a social time bomb that would lead to deepening civil unrest and soaring crime.

As strikes involving hundreds of thousands of workers erupted across France and Germany, Ryder said,“We are on the road to serious social instability, which could be extremely dangerous in some countries to democracy itself.”

Notably, what happens over there, will happen here, especially the social unrest, should another national emergency like Katrina occur...not to mention increasing earthquake clusters on the west coast.

Hey, its got to fall off sometime, 2012 is coming and we need camps to put rioters, survivors, and radical extremists into.

Das comrade, can you say Gulag?

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