Personally, I thought Sarah Palin held her own with the charlie interviews. I watched most of them and noted that she didn't bounce about as Obiden did on The View. Her feet didn't nervously tap as did charlie's during his elitist interview. How I could possibly think he would give her a little more respect, instead of grilling her, unlike prior interviews of democrats.
I can only hope the media is creating for themselves a no win situation for Obiden especially as he continues his attacks; the latest being McCain can't send an email.
What the jackhole fails to note is that McCain, due to his torture in Vietnam, can't use a keyboard, nor can he comb his hair or tie his shoes. That is Cindy's job, which she readily accepts. After all, twenty-eight years of marriage, knowing the man who, with God's will, will serve our country as the next President of the United States, she knows the true character of his heart.
Just as he made the statement about lipstick on a pig, Obiden knew what he was saying and doing. Oh, sure others have said it, but he referenced it to Palin's comparison to a hockey mom and pit bull. How do I know that? Well, lest we forget his emphasis when speaking of Hillary, by then putting his middle finger on his cheek, as if to scratch his face, giving her the f-you sign. The audience picked up on it and heartily laughed. Just as they did when he referenced the lipstick remark. Oh, but that was not what he meant. Can such a demeaning personality serve as POTUS?
Keep up your self-serving moves you idiot...and your elitist media...hopefully you too, will bring this bastard political wing down.
Its true, that THISwill be the election of my lifetime. I don't believe I am ready for the world to change so radically. However, I know it must as it is inevitable.
Seeing and hearing Susan Sarandin make the statement she did on the RED carpet the other evening, gave me pause. She was asked about her thoughts on the contest and she said, "Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilot was a governor." Ugh? Are you making the case for Obiden as the new messiah?
From a personal perspective, I know the anti-Christ must arrive before Christ, but are we, as Christians ready for that? As this is not a place for my personal religious beliefs, I will refrain from doing so.
I only want to present just the facts mam.
Before I close, rumors are now circulating that Obiden wants to replace bidey boy with Hillary for veep, with biden bowing out due to health reasons.
Now I doubt that will occur, but it sure would make for an interesting diversion now, wouldn't it?
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