Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Required Reading - What you need to know about our Washington leadership

You know, if you or I didn't read this, we wouldn't have a reason to get mad as hell at what is happening to our country, within our borders, in the very heart of our nation and to the precious Constitution that protects our rights.

We would deserve what we got, and that is why our country is crumbling. We have sat on our duffs and allowed these crooks to steal our way of life away from us. It reminds me of the comedic refrain...'when the shit hits the fan, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye'. That time is nearing and I'm no chicken little.

Wake Up ... before its too late.

On the path that we are headed now, our future seems uncertain, our rights eroded, stolen, or most likely changed into a socialistic/communistic state.

Let freedom ring. Call your Congressmen and let your voice be heard! Let them know what you want and need!

EXCLUSIVE - From the Washington Times

Pelosi uses nearly $100,000 in PAC funds to pay husband's rent, utilities and accounting fees.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: From Commentary Magazine - The whole story of Obama's Leftism. If you want to see the pieces put together from beginning to end of Obama's rise, including information from his own mouth, this must be read. It's long and detailed, BUT IT MUST BE READ!

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