Saw it first published on Drudge Report today, my home page, and once again, Obama has it wrong, as does his cronies. However, how slick if the inference was to be subtle.
Kennedy was assassinated in June, but it, her inference, had no reference to Obama or the campaign itself, but her husband's campaign. How easy it is to find something to point one's finger to, when they are so close in this season of elections.
Now I noticed that weeks ago, during a campaign speech, when Obama pointed his middle finger and scratching his face, inferred something derogatory about Clinton...not so much fuss was raised. How ironic that he can smirk at his remarks against Clinton, yet her mention of the word "assassinate" makes such headlines, when she did not mention in the same breath, her opponent's name.
Am I for Clinton? No. Am I for McCain? No Am I for Obama? No. Ron Paul? No. Anyone running for office? No. I don't find anyone I can relate to in this mad dash to gain residence in Wishingtonia. There is too much rhetoric from these died in the wool sheeple for me.
Will I forgo voting this year? Probably.
And so you say...well then "You are part of the problem." I doubt it. I found politics extremely distasteful within the last 20 years. The sheeple have lost respect and desecrated what our founding father's intended, but as I have discovered, some of them were sheeple...but today, yikes!
My freedoms have been stolen from me by idiots who win elections, move to Wishingtonia and make destructive decisions that affect all of us. For those who have eyes to see...wake up you sheeple and realize our mere existence depends on fools elected to office for personal gain, not for you and I.
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